How to download Melbet app on iPhone and Android in Bangladesh

Bookmaker Melbet has developed a mobile application for iOS and Android smartphones. We will outline the functionality of the applications and provide step-by-step installation instructions. We will also consider the features of the Melbet app and its differences from the mobile version of the site.

Download from Google Play Download from App Store

System requirements for the phone

Melbet apk for Android has such system requirements:

OS version Android 5.0 and above
Internal storage 200 MB
App version 62(9855)

System requirements for the iOS smartphones:

OS version 12.0 and later
Internal storage 430 MB
App version 4.6

Download Melbet on Android APK

In order to do the Melbet app download, perform the following actions:

  1. Go to the official website on an Android smartphone.
  2. Tap on the phone image at the top of the page.
  3. Select Android.
  4. Give permission to download files from unknown sources.
  5. Wait for the download to complete.
  6. Open the apk and install the application.

Download from Google Play

When Melbet download is completed, a shortcut for launching the programme will emerge on the main menu of your smartphone.

Download Melbet on iPhone iOS

To download the Melbet app play store, take these steps:

  1. Open the App Store.
  2. Go to profile settings.
  3. Select the item “Country/Region”.
  4. Change it to Egypt, India, Vietnam or Mongolia.
  5. Specify any address and identify the payment method.
  6. Save changes.
  7. Return to the App Store.
  8. Find Melbet through the search bar.
  9. Install.

Download from App Store

Mobile version and its difference from the app

Players who do not want to install the application on their smartphone can bet on the Melbet mobile version. This version is exactly the same functionally as the desktop version. To start it, visit the official website of BC through the built-in browser of the smartphone.

The mobile version is customized to the size of smartphone screens and has a slightly different design from the desktop version. As for the speed, the mobile version is somewhat slower compared to the mobile application.

Pluses and minuses, benefits of use

App Mobile version
Speed Mobile app works faster because the lion’s share of the content is stored on the phone. The speed is a little slower, which is especially noticeable when switching from section to section.
Traffic consumption Less traffic consumption, except for the cases when updating is necessary. Downloads images and other content every time you launch it. Consequently, it consumes traffic regularly.
Settings Odds can be set. Also, theme, bets and bonuses display can be set automatically. The same settings are available, except for theme.


Security and privacy Users can set app’s launch after fingerprints scanning/ graphic code/ Face ID Security settings are unavailable.
RAM Memory is necessary for storage of the app itself, user’s information and cash. Stores only cash.
Functionality Full Full
Video broadcasts Available Available
Extra games Cards, roulettes, lotteries, fast games. Cards, roulettes, lotteries, fast games.

How to register through the app

Detailed instructions are provided below:

  1. Launch the Melbet mobile application.
  2. Click the “Register” button at the top of the page.
  3. Choose one of the options.
  4. Enter personal data, come up with a password.
  5. Agree to the company’s rules and confirm the creation of the account.

Sign up

Making a deposit and withdrawing winnings in the app

This is how you make a deposit:

  1. Log in to the mobile application.
  2. Press the “Deposit” button.
  3. Choose a payment system.
  4. Enter the amount and details of the account.
  5. Confirm the transfer.

To mobile site

To withdraw funds:

  1. Sign in your personal account.
  2. Select the “Withdrawal” section.
  3. Choose a payment system and enter the withdrawal amount.
  4. Confirm withdrawal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a Melbet app for PC?

Yes. You can install the bookmaker application for Windows. The download link is in the applications menu on the BC official website.

Why is the Melbet application for Android not available in the Google Play store?

Google’s policy prohibits the placement of products related to gambling on its sites.

Is it possible to wager bonuses in the application?

Yes. You can use any feature, service or promotion of Melbet through the mobile application.

Download from Google Play Download from App Store

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